IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Johnnie Jackson training

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Johnnie Jackson training

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Johnnie Jackson does part of a circuit training routine for biceps and triceps May 14 in Texas. Johnnie plans to compete in a powerlifting contest in June and a pro bodybuilding event in August.
RT @Mateusjem: Na expectativa pro show de hj no Credicard. Estou com aquele bom e velho frio na barriga, vai ser muito bom!

Indo pro retiro (:

Quelqu'un opé pour une coloc sur Paris l'année pro? Dans un putain d'appart de dingue? 8)

Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces. Pro 13:20 #OYB

@Reuters: #Syria forces fire tear gas to disperse large pro-democracy protest in historic Midan district in central #Damascus, witness

Today is Pro 22:"A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it." Vs 3

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