星守る犬 (2011) Teaser

星守る犬 (2011) Teaser

Star Watching Dog - Toshiyuki Nishida, Toshiyuki Nishida One countryside town in Hokkaido, Japan. A six-month-old dead body and a one-month-old dog's body are found inside a car left aside on a forest path. Town hall's social welfare service department where Kyosuke Okutsu works, receives a report that an unidentified dead body has been found. To collect unidentified dead bodies and to hold a memorial service for them was one of the social welfare service department's duties. According to the police, the dead body was about fifty years old with nothing to show his identity. When Okutsu visits the incident scene, he finds a receipt from the goodwill shop inside the car. "Oh well...here's another extra duty" mutters Okutsu. His journey of tracing back the man and the dog's las days has just begun. Tracking down the man and the dog's life, Okutsu finds that that man "Dad" (55) had suffered from a chronic disease, lost his job, was divorced by his wife, his family separated away, gave up his house, when finally, he decided to go on a journey with his dog "Happy" heading towards his hometown. Okutsu hears stories about the two from people whom have met them when they were alive. Helped a runaway boy who was trying to shoplift, only to end up losing all his money to the boy...Sold all his belongings to take Happy to the animal hospital to save him from a sudden illness... Okutsu can see Dad's personality and the happy moments he spent with Happy. Okutsu lost his parents in a ...

映画の星守る犬気になるけど絶対号泣するので映画館いけない…(ノ`) とりあえず原作すら読んでないので読もう。

三百六十五歩のマーチ歌いましたよ(笑)なかなかの感動作でした RT @SATORIITO: 『星守る犬』会見も終わり、後は舞台挨拶。お客さん参加型で盛り上がりたいのでいらっしゃる方、よろしくお願いします(^^)映画司会者より



5/21(土)14時より、「泣ける本」として話題のコミックス 【星守る犬】の作者 村上たかし先生のサイン会を行います。6月にはついに実写映画も公開!当店では村上たかし先生のコミックス(双葉社)をお買い上げのお客様に整理券をお渡ししておりますので、是非ご来店下さいませ。

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