Iztok Mlakar - Republika Palma de Cocco

Iztok Mlakar - Republika Palma de Cocco

album: Štorije in baldorije English version would be something like this (translated word for word, sorry ;): Summer is coming back to us, and again i got a recourse, society is paying for my holidays just one lousy million bucks. I have never squandered my money on drinking, I always put it in a sock, when it will empty out, I will run away to the place only I know. It is easy to live there with my salary, I will rea,lly go there some day, I will not return back home,not even in my dreams, although I will send postcards to you all. Republica Palma de Cocco, this is a place for nice people, the bottom of the bottles is very deep there, there is no end of partying. Creoles are dancing samba, and such negro women, who have their buttock as big as two heelbarrows, everyone of them is worth a sin. If you spend all night boozing they are not mad at you, and you do not have to pay back dues to the waiters, neither cops are sober there, there is no prisons and fights. In the Republic Palma de Cocco, there is party for everyone, even the president Loco Loco doesn not know the favouritism. You can drink there as much as you can, and do whaterevr you want, you can say whatever you want and nobody goes into prison because of this. When one night i will fall in a ditch Drunk of rum like a dragon The policeman will gently and respectfully cover me with his own shirt. Do not touch my head if i have temperature, and do not ask what is wrong with me, do not think it got me, and i am not ...
datemi un'Andrea Cocco in miniaturaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

kayocoにかわってcoccoがツイート。 『coccoが ねたフリをすると kayocoもねます 』 #MEGU_GAME

#nowplaying 白い狂気 - Cocco

@lunaticannie io stancampiano, classico nocciolacaffé e panna. ogni tanto invece del caffé pistacchio, ma d'estate anche anguria e cocco.

@cocco_00 TY店は言えないけど、そちらの店長様はとても優しいからありなんじゃないでしょうか?(≧∀≦)


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