My Crazy Jack Russell Terrier Jesse
My Crazy Jack Russell Terrier Jesse

What do I love about my little Russell Terrier, Jesse? Everything! I absolutely love his zest for life and adventure, and his eagerness to join in on any activity and give it 110% of his participation. I love his personality and charm. I love the way he will listen to what I am saying and stare soulfully into my eyes trying to understand the message being sent. He has a wonderful delight for chase games, and his Cuz ball. I also love how Jesse will poke me with his Cuz ball for a game of fetch =o) Jesse is such a crazy little man and I love him with every beat of my heart.~ ***No part of the video has been sped up, slowed down, or reversed. Jesse really does move that fast =o) Cameos by Ashley and Kaine: www.youtube.com/hunkymonkeykaine Music by Josh Woodward "Goodbye to Spring" www.joshwoodward.com
like nigga if something happens to me what is your little ass going to do...Little ass JACK RUSSELL TERRIER
Despite our best efforts, puppers has discovered that he is a Jack Russell Terrier #Shitjustgotreal
and I think I am allergic to my sister's jack russell terrier but not to the pugs =____=
Hi, a white and black terrier/jack russell dog has been found in Rosslare
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