Dear Esther Update - The Caves - 29/06/2010

Dear Esther Update - The Caves - 29/06/2010

As an added bonus for waiting so long between updates, I've compiled a quick montage of the third level, and also showcasing some of the many effects that has been added.hacked in such as realistic flowing water and caustic effects. See the official website for more info www.dear-esther.com or follow my devblog@ www.littlelostpoly.co.uk/devblog
RT @carlena: Dear Aaron Sorkin: You ruined my life. Signed, Every political staffer who ever subconciously believed it could really be like West Wing.

Dear God, thank you for my perfect life curriculum. I pray that I learn my lessons with EASE & GRACE. Amen :)

Sat on a train, clutching my iPhone for dear life. Please post it @GagaDaily you absolüte wench.

RT @carlena: Dear Aaron Sorkin: You ruined my life. Signed, Every political staffer who ever subconciously believed it could really be like West Wing.

RT @carlena: Dear Aaron Sorkin: You ruined my life. Signed, Every political staffer who ever subconciously believed it could really be like West Wing.

@ddlovato dear DEMETRIA DEVONNE LOVATO you are my life, and I love you more than everything s2

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