夜来香/ 上戸彩YeLaixiang by Ueto Aya 「李香蘭」夜來香、蘇州夜曲

夜来香/ 上戸彩YeLaixiang by Ueto Aya 「李香蘭」夜來香、蘇州夜曲

Japanese actress Ueto Aya sang this YeLaixiang (夜来香)for the Japanese TV drama Rikoran 李香蘭(TV Tokyo,テレビ東京) in February 2007. You can also listen to Suzhou Nocturne (蘇州夜曲) here. DVD of this drama 李香蘭(Kadokawa Pict. 角川映画) is available from Amazon.com etc. to see full of story. Li Xianglan(李香蘭、李香兰) was born in China(Manchuria) in 1920. When she was 13, her Chinese foster father(養父)gave her name Li Xianglan. She lived as a Chinese singer and actress, hiding the fact that she actually was a Japanese named Yamaguchi Yoshiko(山口淑子). In order to avoid anti-Japanese movement against the invasion of Japanese army, she had tried to hide it till the end of WW2 . In some Japanese movies, she got a role for Japanese propaganda. After noticing it by herself, she had much suffered from consideration of sin. Once, there was an episode for her national identity. When she had a concert in Japan, a local newspaper scooped that she was actually a Japanese. Then she replied ---"I know the paper made my real name public, but I don't worry whether I lose my populality. The important thing is how well I act and sing on the stage. And I think my nationality is just an East Asian woman." --- June 1945, she had a concert with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra(上海交響楽団) at the Grand Theatre(大光明大戯院). This video is the scene. The concert was so successful continuing 3 days. August 9th 1945, she had an encore concert for her fans at Shanghai horse race field(現在の ...

@fclllshin 今日は勝負強さずば抜けてた。ここでダブル出さなきゃ負け、ここでターキー出さなきゃ負けって場面で全て取った。上戸彩に見せたかった。

「絶対零度~特殊犯罪潜入捜査~」いい! 前作もよかったが刑事の馴れ合い感がね。今回は緊張感があり見飽きない。宮迫は残念だが桐谷がいい。前作はCold Caseのパクリと言われたから続編ぽくキャストを引き継ぎつつ別ドラマに仕立てててる。面白さは視聴率が証明。上戸彩ちゃんの代表作。


@minamishin524 素人からしたら全くわからんけどな( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 確かにエースを狙えの上戸彩は可愛いけどヘタやった…ww

この前、母と仙川でみたドラマの撮影に上戸彩ときりやなんとかがいたみたい。 なんであんなとこに?っていうような路地にいた。

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