Mother Goose no Himitsu no Yakata OP

Mother Goose no Himitsu no Yakata OP

Title: マザーグースの秘密の館Romanji: Mother Goose No Himitsu no Yakata English: Mother Goose's Secret House Song: ? Song Artist: ?? Producer: QuinRose Platform: PSP Description: You, the heroine, falls into another world and has to find her way out via passing quizzes based on nursery rhymes. Apparently QuinRose hired a ton of different artists for the nursery rhyme pictures, and they'll be featured in English with Japanese translations. It seems as though all the guys in the game know who the heroine is, but she doesn't know who they are. (Flash backs to Alice guys, it's all so similar!!! Lol) This artwork looks really pretty, and I'm a huge sucker for nursery rhymes and cute stuff like that, so I'll probably get this game! Release Date: June 23rd, 2011 Official Website:
RT @kawade_honyaku: 私としては、文藝春秋の『漫画讀本』や星新一・植草甚一ほか各氏の紹介の延長線上に、山口雅也訳『マザー・グース』や今回の『アダムス・ファミリー全集』があるものと思っております。(編集担当) @smallboxman

@ryu_hi_ki ただいマザー・グース

マザー・グース、きたあああああ。そして私のラジオネームも読まれたああああ。 #nhkfm

マザー・グースって、同郷で同年代で、意外と地元で聞いていたかも知らないんだけど… #nhkfm


「私はマザー・グースを信じないのと同じ程度に神を信じない」 ― クラレンス・ダロウ

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