2011年9月24日(土)より池袋シネマ・ロサにて公開温泉街で新人コンパニオンとして稼ぐ18歳の天然、巨乳娘コンビが悪者を退治する姿を、セクシーショット満載に描くアクション・コメディー。平本アキラのエロチック・コメディーを原作に、新鋭監督の山本清史が大胆な演出を盛り込み映像化。ヒロインのやりすとしづかを、人気グラビアアイドルの守永真彩と丸高愛実が色っぽく好演。バランスよく配合されたお色気とアクションを軸にした痛快なストーリーが楽しい。 配給:アルゴ・ピクチャーズ(C) 平本アキラ / 講談社・「やりすぎコンパニオンとアタシ物語」製作委員会

やりいたニュース #01 cv: 榎津まお 榊木春乃
今度発売されるゲームの紹介をするコーナー☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ 詳しくはこっちから www.18rocket-icecream.biz やりいたニュース!! でご覧ください。

lol.3gp from Brazil
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Song of the Grass-Mud Horse (Cao Ni Ma)
According to the New York Times, "The Grass-Mud Horse" is a mythical creature whose name in Chinese sounds like "fuck your mother". These horses face a problem: invading river crabs that are devouring their grassland. In spoken Chinese, river crab sounds very much like harmony, which in Chinas cyberspace has become a synonym for censorship. Censored bloggers often say their posts have been harmonized — a term directly derived from President Hu Jintaos regular exhortations for Chinese citizens to create a harmonious society. While grass-mud horse sounds like a nasty curse in Chinese, its written Chinese characters are completely different, and its meaning —taken literally — is benign. Thus, the beast has dodged the Chinese governments efforts to censor information over the Internet that is seditious or inflammatory. Xiao Qiang, an adjunct professor of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, said that the grass-mud horse is an icon of resistance to censorship. 童声合唱:草泥马之歌