Extreme Ironing

Extreme Ironing

Here's a sport that probably won't make the next Olympics - Extreme Ironing. The other side of normal. Where else to find Diagonal View... FOLLOW us on Twitter: ow.ly or LIKE us on Facebook: ow.ly Strange talents, shocking stories, dangerous stunts...see it all here @ www.youtube.com
@kokeymonster Kung sabagay,yung review niya sa BR mukang mas extreme talaga kesa HG. Di ko pa nababasa e. Huhu.

@afikaryzki b--girl kie BreakDancer wedok!!!hhe... kan sangar n extreme!!hahahaa...

@sarahjohnson29 that's exactly it, I agree. Painfully awkward, kinda like Jiffy or... Moshe, but more extreme

@JonikaJun lmao that's some extreme imagination right there

wow that tweeter is extreme below but "one must know all sides inside and out to build a strong house" -me

Moby, extreme ways durumundayim ve tk icin sabahın korü yollardayim.

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