Nathalie Lete Live Painting
Nathalie Lete Live Painting @ Tokyo, Harajuku. She painted on walls and windows in the shop named Usagi pour toi (HPFRANCE) on 31st Oct and 2nd Nov 2009. The shop sells her art works and clothes. Video shot and edited by Kenji Hirano.

DragonBall Online Official Cinematic Opening Intro 【HD】
Dragon Ball Online (ドラゴンボールオンライン, Doragon Bōru Onrain?, Korean: 드래곤볼 온라인) (officially abbreviated as DBO) is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game being developed simultaneously in Japan and South Korea by NTL, set in the Dragon Ball universe, first introduced by the Dragon Ball Japanese manga in 1984. Dragon Ball Online takes place on Earth, 216 years after the events at the conclusion of the Dragon Ball manga series. A beta testing of Dragon Ball Online was initially announced to begin in South Korea during the summer of 2007 with a Japanese beta to soon follow,but has been delayed and was slated for the second half of 2009.In March 2009, it was announced that TBWA\Korea obtained the marketing rights for Dragon Ball Online and would run a full-scale marketing campaign from April to August 2009. Series creator Akira Toriyama has a great deal of creative control over the project, both contributing to and supervising the story and art design, including character and location arrangements.It has been stated that Toriyama has been working on character designs for this project for the last five years.

チェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故から25年 ――今でも農産物汚染続く

女性専用車両の廃止を求める署名募集中www.shomei.tv 2005年の冬に行われたホリプロの山口もえさんと石井正則さんの「列島縦断3000km寝台特急の旅」です。くしくもその起点駅と終点の県は、関口知宏さんが前年に行った「列島縦断12000km最長片道切符の旅」と同じものでした。