郵便局 その移り変わり ~看板編~
かつて郵政省、その後郵政公社をへてJP日本郵便へと移り換わってきた郵便局、看板を中心にその変化を追っています。三次市内、十日市町、三次町、布野町横谷に所在する郵便局の看板です。BGMは "クラシックミュージック名曲サウンドライブラリー様"からフリー素材として提 供されています曲から使わせて頂いています。(↓アドレス) 曲 ベートーベン エリーゼのためにwww.voiceblog.jp
Is this the theory of everything?
Read more: www.newscientist.com This elegant model by Garrett Lisi may at last reveal the link between gravity and the other fundamental forces of nature.
Antimatter atoms produced and trapped at CERN
Antimatter atoms produced and trapped at CERN What is antimatter ? - What are you doing with the ALPHA experiment ? What's new about it ? - What is the purpose of research with antimatter ? - How many people work on ALPHA ? What is the budget ? - Can you describe the apparatus here at CERN ? - How do you know you have made antihydrogen ? www.cern.ch
韓国映画『オガムド』予告編 (오감도) 出演:キム・ガンウ、チャ・スヨン、チャン・ヒョク、チャ・ヒョンジョン、キム・スロ、ペ・ジョンオク、キム・ミンソン、キム・ドンウク、チョン・ウイチョル、ソン・ジュンギ、シン・セギョン、イ・シヨン、イ・ソンミン、オム・ジョンファ、ファン・ジョンミン、キム・ヒョジン、イ・フィヒャン
Laura Pausini - Non C'è [Lyric and Song]
In this video you can see the lyrics of this great Italian song performed by Laura Pausini. And if you don't understand the meaning of this song, see the translation below. *======================================* You don't answer the phone anymore And it's hanging by a thread some hope of mine I never thought that I'd lose my mind for you You unexpectedly escaped Leaving a void in this life of mine Without answers for me because things of yours remain There's no...there's no perfume of your skin There's no...breathing of yours in the face There's not...your strawberry mouth There's not...the sweet honey of your hair There's not...the poison in your heart There's no... way out for this love There's no...there's no life for me, but there's no...there's no other reason that sets my soul free. Enchanted in a night of madness Even in jail I'd walk into for you Just one life is not enough...for me If even summer has its clouds you are a hurricane opposed to me Ripping the dreams in my day that's passing quickly, because There's not...the poison in your heart There's no... way out for this love There's no...there's no life for me, but there's no...there's no other reason for me If there's a God, He can't forget me, even if there's a really dark sky between Him and me. I'll beg, I'll look for you, and I swear, I'll find you Even If I have to live for another thousand hundreds years. In this life of darkness without you, I feel that , until now, you became the only reason for me ...
べにだま工房 分割新聞ストッカー
新聞を結わくのは、意外と苦労が多いもの。 重く、崩れやすく、ひもが通しにくい。。。 そんなイライラをすべて解消!! とっても簡単に結わけます。 その秘密は、分割新聞ストッカー☆ benidamakoubou.com