グリコ森永 防災用保存缶
webdog.be 防災の日も近いということで近所のスーパーにて、グリコのビスコ、森永ビスケットマリー、森永ミルクキャラメルなどの長期保存缶が売られておりました。 防災グッズは無機質なものも少なくないので、こういった馴染みあるお菓子というのは和みますよね。
EL SKUNK DI YAWDIE - EDEN&足りる事も知らず実をとり春が去る
2010/11/13 岩手県奥州市水沢@ネバーランドEL SKUNK DI YAWDIE EX-1 EDEN(高速ver) EX-2 足りる事も知らず実をとり春が去る(LIVE ver) 撮影、玄太郎
『ナースのお仕事3』 第21話(1/4) 「先輩がフリン?」
Donny & Marie Osmond "On The Shelf" on TOTPs 1979
1979 appearance on Top of the Pops. I love this song!
現職議員で初めてカストロ議長に会いに行った人物。 それが「赤松」だった! 口蹄疫よりカストロに会うことの方が優先? どう考えても宮崎の口蹄疫撲滅が先じゃないか! 民主党議員全員辞職しろ! 【赤松応援へ行く】山下氏事務所開き 民主「経験を仕上げる」 www.gifu-np.co.jp tsushima.2ch.net
『戦艦ポチョムキン』 セルゲイ・M・エイゼンシュテイン監督
シネマヴェーラ渋谷にて、2009年2月28日(土)から3月20日(金)まで、上映会「紀伊國屋書店レーベルを讃える」が開催されます。 www.cinemavera.com
JOHN LENNON music mind with Magazin HEIBON PUNCH in japan
The last year when JOHN LENNON was on the ground in 1980. The most famous magazine "heinon punch" of a pop culture published in Japan in 1980. It is Japan in the youth of the times when pop culture had a dream most when time will produce a movie with this magazine as a script. "About Thought" 'The everlastingness universality of the human thought' 1980'The Everlastingness Universality of the Human Tought' Pop Culture in Japan 1980 Eternal preservation of 1980. it saved consciousness formed as a time durational arts art object to begin to examine a difference &Universality with the present time to watch it to a magazine on behalf of Japan which projected culture of 1980 permanently here to awake. About BGM from selected music in music of the recording of the John Lennon last in 1980 is a mirror of the Japan woman who let you recognize the Japan woman who is a taking the lead person of the consciousness of the Japan woman globally as Yoko Ono as top woman. (thanks!). and the police music canary call mine 1980 recording song. (thanks!). "About MAGAZIN" It was the super famousness weekly which reached it to the Japanese all over the country every week for 24 years from 1964 the ordinary punch loved Japanese youths, and to push up a Japanese youth in a world level. This ordinariness punch publication 800 is the book which is good at all as proof of the culture that served brightness told that Japanese as is number one in. "About video source" from youtube mr ...