参考: park21.wakwak.com www21.big.or.jp www.geocities.jp ●アースガルズ起動~フォトスフィア突入

放浪息子【手描き】 Drawing of the "Hourou musuko"
祝アニメ化! でも待ちきれず手描き。 I love comic "Hourou musuko" by Takako Shimura. And I'm also looking forward to the anime which should be completed soon!

OST - 'Taxi Driver'
1976, up and coming filmmaker Martin Scorsese decides to make one of the most compelling human portraits in cinema history. Bernard Herrmann supplied Scorsese's masterpiece with a fitting soundtrack. Tom Scott's saxophone creates a dreamy sort of atmoshpere which perfectly fits Travis Bickle's troubled character. Few soundtracks can fill it's listener with such vivid memories of the visuals. Amazing.

Matthew Sweet - Girlfriend
I want to love somebody I hear you need somebody to love Oh, I want to love somebody I hear you're looking for somebody to love 'Cause you need to Be back in the arms of a good friend And I need to Be back in the arms of a girlfriend I didn't know nobody And then I saw you coming my way Oh, I didn't know nobody And then I saw you coming my way Don't you need to Be back in the arms of a good friend? Oh, 'cause honey, believe me I'd sure love to call you my girlfriend Don't you need to Be back in the arms of a good friend? Oh, 'cause honey, believe me I'd sure love to call you my girlfriend 'Cause you got a good thing going, baby You only need somebody to love Oh, you got a good thing going You're only looking for somebody to love 'Cause you need to Get back in the arms of a good friend And I'm never gonna set you free No, I'm never gonna set you free

九州新幹線全線開業 祝!九州縦断ウェーブ CM フル24分ver(前編)
JR九州 九州新幹線3月12日全線開業。鹿児島中央発博多着の一本の新幹線から撮影した映像から作られたCMです。九州新幹線各駅間のものをつなぎあわせたフルバージョンとなっております。(前編は鹿児島中央-新玉名間)。前編後編あわせて約24分と長いですが、長さを全く感じません。

実写版ウォーリーby村瀬雄一 浅草、人力車、浅草演芸ホール編
実写版ウォーリーを探せ! 村瀬雄一による、実写版ウォーリーとしての活動。 今回は、今話題の小向美奈子さんも働いていた浅草編。 浅草、人力車、浅草演芸ホールを重点的に映像化!