卍manji 源-minamoto- live2008/5/1@air
www.minamoto-project.com 2008/5/1airで行われたVIBESに出演したときの源-minamoto-のライブ映像です。 作品名:卍ダンサーの視点からリズムの面白さをトコトン突き詰めた遊び心溢れる作品。 源流HOUSEはこうなる! "MINAMOTO" was formed in 2006 and it consists of [WADAIKO]:Traditional Japanese Drum.[KOTO]:Traditional Japanese stringed Musical Instrument.[SHAMISEN]:three-stringed Musical Instrument played with a plectrum called a "BACHI".DJ and DANCERS) Theming the fusion of ancient Japanese tradition and the "club culture" in a new dimention. "MINAMOTO" transmits a brand-new, never-seen entertainment from Japan to the world. Please contact us for any inquiries, opinions and offers.
Hellsing OVA Series I no credits ending
厄夜怪客(地獄之歌、皇立國教騎士團)OVA 第一輯無製作名單結尾Hellsing OVA Series I no credits ending Digest For Fleaks hkstanleywu.spaces.live.com