Chant des baleines
Chant des baleines

songlinesofthewhales.org SONGLINES documents the evolution of the intricate and beautiful East Australian Humpback song. An hour of pristine digital recordings selected from five different years between 1992 and 2008 which draw the listener into a mysterious and majestic world. Established in 1988, The Oceania Project is an independent, non-profit research organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of whales, dolphins and the oceans. Humpback whale songs are transferred from year to year and evolve in a similar fashion to the verbally transmitted tribal lore of Aboriginal cultures from where the term songlines is derived. The East Australian Humpback Whales travel in an unending cycle of migration between their birthplace in the inter-reef lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef and their Antarctic feeding areas. Their world is comprised of vast stretches of ocean where songs emitted by the Humpback Whales can be heard over great distances. Each year the whales sing a new song. Haunting melodies of radiant joy which fill the ocean along the East Coast of Australia. When ecosystems across the planet are collapsing and species are becoming extinct at an accelerating rate, the East Australian Humpback Whales are making a remarkable recovery. They have become Australia's national treasure and a symbol of hope for our imperiled environment. We as the new generation of caretakers of the planet Earth have learnt from the mistakes of our elders and are helping nurture the ...
な~る、野生のジンベイザメと泳ぐの俺のやりたい事Best20に入る!ザトウクジラもやばい気になる。。RT @suiso_yasan: @SHIGEMANrepTM 沖縄! 生け簀で飼われてるよ
@peho032 うちにはまだ12匹だけだもんね!w 隣の部屋の人が昔小笠原でウミガメとザトウクジラの調査してたんだってさ(^u^)
@narry_k おー ザトウクジラですかねぇ〜 音はどんな感じですか?
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Memories Off After Rain
