Beautiful Patagonia - Torres del Paine
This short film captures the stunning natural beauty of Chilean Patagonia featuring the mountains of Torres del Paine National Park -- jagged granite ridges and spires capped with shale, snow and glaciers. Using time-lapse photography three days of sunlight, clouds, rain and moonlight are captured to show the majestic beauty of this natural wonder. The images are enhanced by the spiritual music from the album "Shiva Shakti Om" by Angelika (www.angelikahealingmusic.com). Learn more about this film and the festivals where it's been shown at http

John Mayer/Scott Mckeon Style, DaveMaerz.com "J Funk"
Jammin In A Funky John Mayer, Scott McKeon Style To A Custom Backing Track DaveMaerz.com OnLine Blues and Classic Rock Guitar Lessons Coming Soon

香港外景場地:深水埗的北河街、大埔公路。 生:錦紅!錦紅!相親與再動情,任我千呼天不應。淒涼難覓她歸幟,我誓訪卿卿。嬌花漂零,我自侮恨無情,我勤立志,因覓愛,我過盡荒崗山嶺。 生:無時心開,光陰似水恨日來,懷人上載倍悲哀,枕邊不歸來,玉郎思嬌多感慨。試問情義倆相歸,終生飲恨寄泉臺! 生:行更哀令我淚盈腮,玉人何處妳胡不歸來。當日有意惜花呢,憐粉黛。豈料一時昭別,妳便鳳去留哀。莫不是六魄三魂此際飛天外?我願同生共死,更願長伴妳妝臺。 生:花嬌艷,月又圓,痴情粉蝶伴花眠,伴花眠。月照情人同化蝶,情到此時未羨仙。我愛雙飛燕。 合:倆相痴戀,感得身化渡燕倆痴躔。天荒月也圓,憑我熱情感蒼天,情心豈易變?哎喲情意似同眠。為憑一曲表情綣,月老紅絲牽一線,緊合情肩,兩心相印訂姻緣,萬縷情苖。 旦:痴情粉蝶伴花眠,伴花眠。月照情人同化蝶,情到此時未羨仙。我愛雙飛燕。 合:倆相痴戀,感得身化渡燕倆痴躔。天荒月也圓,憑我熱情感蒼天,情心豈易變?哎喲情意似同眠。為憑一曲表情綣,月老紅絲牽一線,緊合情肩,兩心相印訂姻緣,萬縷情苖。