Pretty Maids - Little Drops of Heaven
Music video by Pretty Maids performing Little Drops of Heaven. (C) 2010 Frontiers Records

Dasein - Ai No Tameni, Yume No Tameni
I'm uploading this because it used to be on Youtube. It might still be on Youtube but I'm drunk and can't find it. EDIT: I'm not drunk anymore just in case everyone thought I was an alcoholic.

Barton Fink (1991) - Original Theatrical Trailer
Between Heaven and Hell There's Always Hollywood! Original theatrical trailer for 1991's Coen Brothers classic "Barton Fink". Starring John Turturro, John Goodman, John Mahoney, Judy Davis, Michael Lerner, Tony Shalhoub, Jon Polito and Steve Buscemi as CHET!

オーストラリアのみ生息する珍しい鳥、『ブラックスワン』 たまたま通りかかったら人だかりが出来ていたので撮影してきました。 場所は茨城県潮来市の潮来大橋付近で、香取市よりの北利根川の河川敷

Spiral - Augen Auf - Oomph! - Rio Takeuchi
An AMV featuring Rio Takeuchi from the anime Spiral done by myself for the Anime Music Video contest/showcase at Ai-Kon 2006. This is the more updated version of the AMV I posted not too long ago. Main song: Augen Aug - Oomph! End Titles: Inertia Creeps - Massive Attack