aariya poem for dada didi
aariyas poem at her school for dada dadi. it was on valentines day on 14th feb

2004年10月2日(土)愛知県芸術劇場大ホールで行われた依田由利子フラメンコ舞踊団公演「Carmen-カルメン-」第二場「酒場(タベルナ)」の様子です。 依田フラメンコは名古屋市の3つのスタジオ(千種区東山通り、名古屋駅前、久屋大通)でフラメンコのレッスンを行っています。

Bell P-63 Kingcobra Flight Demonstration- BIG ALLISON SOUND!
This is a nice video of a flight demonstration of the Palm Springs Air Museum's Bell P-63A Kingcobra. Not the greatest aircraft of WWII, but a significant one nonetheless, especially to the Soviets. This is one of the most wicked looking fighters of all time, in my honest opinion. This thing also really scoots off the runway despite the reduced, low-octane-fuel power settings that need to be used these days! This is typical, everyday (well, not quite) SoCal, USA warbird activity, ha! We are very, very lucky out here, and I certainly appreciate it! The Allison engine really never achieved a high state of development during WWII like the Rolls Royce Merlin. There were major problems, even several years into the post-war era. The Allison soldiered on into the early 1950s in the F-82 Twin Mustang and actually became a real solid powerplant by then, but by that time, who really cared anyway? That is the Palm Springs Air Museum's chief pilot Jim Dale at the controls. Enjoy the video! - octane130 -

TENACIOUS D - Jack Black on Piracy
Jack Black schools all of you on the truth about piracy. Remember, don't be a douche.

アマルフィ - Time To Say Goodbye - Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli
アマルフィ 女神の報酬 、アンダルシア 女神の報復 の 主題歌 Time To Say Goodbye - Misa Song is Time To Say Goodbye (タイム・トゥ・セイ・グッバイ) Singer is Misa Time To Say Goodbye is a song by Francesco Sartori and Lucio Quarantotto. Time To Say Goodbye has also been sung Andrea Bocelli (アンドレア・ボチェッリ), Sarah Brightman (サラ・ブライトマン), Katherine Jenkins, Kokia, Helene Fischer, Masafumi Akikawa(秋川雅史), and Paul Potts (ポール・ポッツ) who debuted the Britain's Got Talent. Time To Say Goodbye has been fiddled Andre Rieu in Maastricht III 2009 Con Te Partiro (コン・テ・パルティロ) - Lyrics (歌詞) www.so-misa.com