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俄羅斯雪地發現死亡的外星人~!!(DEAD ALIEN FOUND IN RUSSIA!)

俄羅斯雪地發現死亡的外星人~!!(DEAD ALIEN FOUND IN RUSSIA!)

SIBERIA - Following reports of a UFO crash last month, Russians found the body of an alien buried in the snow! Incredible footage has emerged of the remains of a mangled alien. The lifeless 'body' was supposedly discovered lying in snow in the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia following reports of a UFO crash last month. The extraterrestrial appears to have suffered horrific injuries -- including the loss of one limb. Shocked villagers had all said they saw a pink and blue glowing object hurtling towards the town before the 'alien' was found. Several of the elders then went out in the woods looking for survivors of the crash. The mystery deepened when investigators said no aircraft were reported in the area. And search and rescue teams found no evidence of an aircraft crash. The strange clip of the discovery has now been seen by nearly 1.5 million people in two days. And cynical YouTube viewers claim it is an elaborate fake. But WWN can confirm that it is an alien body -- from Planet Xixu. Russia's Emergencies Ministry staff, along with Dr. John Malley of the UN Panel of Extraterrestrials examined the body closely. They used compared the samples taken from the body and could find no human match on the planet. "The DNA is alien. It's from Xinu. I'm 100% positive," said Malley. Here's the YouTube video claiming it is a fake. What do you think?

うちは多分紅楼夢はにゃんころの総集編を・・・っ そしてあわよくば星蓮船を・・・(死亡フラグ

@bunankoku 今更ですが紹介ありです。ちなみに好きになるキャラの殆どが不幸(もしくは最終的に死亡する)な扱いに定評があったりする

@milkyel5516 @indiezdog 速報!!鳥取砂丘でサプライズを計画していた某大学の四年生二人砂に埋もれて死亡。足には何故かスキー板をはいていました。

どうてい仲間キタ━━━( ´∀`)・ω・) ゚Д゚)・∀・) ̄ー ̄)´_ゝ`)ノД`)・゚・。━━━!!!!! RT @siroryouya: ミセリコルデは12歳で死亡したので実体化するとあの姿になる 当然ながらDT← #どうでもいい企画キャラの設定


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