俄羅斯雪地發現死亡的外星人~!!(DEAD ALIEN FOUND IN RUSSIA!)
SIBERIA - Following reports of a UFO crash last month, Russians found the body of an alien buried in the snow! Incredible footage has emerged of the remains of a mangled alien. The lifeless 'body' was supposedly discovered lying in snow in the Irkutsk region of southern Siberia following reports of a UFO crash last month. The extraterrestrial appears to have suffered horrific injuries -- including the loss of one limb. Shocked villagers had all said they saw a pink and blue glowing object hurtling towards the town before the 'alien' was found. Several of the elders then went out in the woods looking for survivors of the crash. The mystery deepened when investigators said no aircraft were reported in the area. And search and rescue teams found no evidence of an aircraft crash. The strange clip of the discovery has now been seen by nearly 1.5 million people in two days. And cynical YouTube viewers claim it is an elaborate fake. But WWN can confirm that it is an alien body -- from Planet Xixu. Russia's Emergencies Ministry staff, along with Dr. John Malley of the UN Panel of Extraterrestrials examined the body closely. They used compared the samples taken from the body and could find no human match on the planet. "The DNA is alien. It's from Xinu. I'm 100% positive," said Malley. Here's the YouTube video claiming it is a fake. What do you think?

ポストマン・ブルース 予告
製作 - F・T・B、スープレックス、テレビ東京、日活配給 - 日活製作者 - 津滝嘉夫、大崎正人、石川博、山口友三プロデューサー - 片嶋一貴、真木太郎、小田原明子監督・原案・脚本 - サブ撮影 - 栗山修司音楽 - 岡本大介編集 - 掛須秀一沢木龍一:堤真一小夜子:遠山景織子殺し屋ジョー大杉漣野口修二:堀部圭亮土門泰三:清水宏殺し屋ラン:滝沢涼子黒川祐二:サブ飯田康則:伊藤洋三郎竹林和彦:山本亨落合忠雄:武発史郎前田三郎:寺島進藤村光男:四方堂亘篠原一郎:田口トモロヲ半田寛次郎:麿赤兒木村:近藤敦殺し屋ゼッケン3:DIAMOND☆YUKAI 松平機動警邏隊隊長:平泉成郵便局員:小松沢陽一入院患者B:三島ゆたか

2004年12月1日リリース3rdシングル「君となら/その瞳のかげり」 大ヒットホラー映画『呪怨』の清水崇監督が初めて手掛ける、話題の深夜ドラマ『怪奇大家族』のエンディングテーマ「その瞳のかげり」は、サザーランドの真骨頂ともいえる切なく美しいメロディと詩、そして阿部祐也の心に響く歌声が見事に融合したミディアムテンポの心地よいラヴソングで、デビュー前よりライヴで大切に歌われてきた、ファンの間では永くシングル化が切望されてきた楽曲

Bruce Springsteen - Protection
Bruce Springsteen - Protection, taken from the Born In The USA out-takes