A Felicidade (Natural Sound Live) フェリシダーヂ 生演奏 1080HD
Performed by Yasuhiro Iwahori.(Classical Guitar) He is champion of the Japan amateur guitar tournament. Composed by Antonio C. Jobim Arranged by Roland Dyens 第11回 全日本アマチュアギターコンクール優勝者岩堀 恭宏さん演奏(クラシックギター)

DHS Village People - YMCA
"Copyright recordings, music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Can't Stop Productions and Scorpio Digital - for original, exclusive performances by The Village People, check-out the official channel a www.youtube.com/villagepeople " It's fun to stay at the YMCA!!!! Danville High talent show

2-10 At the gate of Lionel Castle, Final Fantasy Tactics (fft)
2-10 At the gate of Lionel Castle, Final Fantasy Tactics (fft) --- Battle Map 20, The base castle of Cardinal Draclau ruler of Lionel. Where St. Ajora was caught. Arriving in Lionel, the group attempt to break in, Ramza sneaks in about to unlock the gate for his comrads outside when a familiar voice comes in from behind. IT'S GAFGARION! Laying in wait ready to ambush Mr. Ramza Ruglia (ex-Beoulve). Gafgarion whistles for backup, and they come in from the front trapping your troops between a rock and a hard place so to speak. However a flaw in the enemies plan is that they carry lightning weapons, and Rubber Shoes nullify lighting damage. So I outfit most of my party in rubber shoes limiting the enmey threat level. As the battle continues, Ramza having a great position up on the roof shoots arrows of death from the sky. Dark Knight Gafgarion attacks and leaves Ramza wounded. Ramza opens the gate eventually allowing Ayane to save him. Mr. Ramza is thankful, more then she may realize. Gafgarion fights to his last breath... Characters used as follows: Mr. Ramza (Johnny): Archer Ayane: Ninja (Throw battle Axe, aka Boot to the head) Nina: Time Mage Agrias: Knight Holy Mustadio: Engineer or was it chemistFinal Fantasy Tactics (ファイナルファンタジータクティクス, Fainaru Fantajī Takutikusu) is a tactical role-playing game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) for the Sony PlayStation video game console. It was released in Japan in June 1997 and in the United States ...

Family Game chapter 2
This video contains slightyaoi (boyxboy)! So, if you don't like yaoi then don't watch and please don't flag! And for all yaoi-lovers: ENJOY!! re-upload! here's the second chapter^-^ the translation will be up soon ^__~ Family Game chapter 1 (japanese version): www.youtube.com Family Game chapter 3 (japanese version): www.youtube.com ~ Family Game chapter 1 (english version): www.youtube.com Family Game chapter 2 (english version): www.youtube.com Family Game chapter 3 (english version): www.youtube.com ~ Young Soul Dynamite / Family Game2 (japanese version): www.youtube.com Young Soul Dynamite / Family Game2 (english verison): www.youtube.com Thanks to Arigatomina ^-^ Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING FEATURED IN THIS VIDEO. I DO NOT MAKE ANY MONEY FROM SUBMITTING THIS.

映画『インモータルズ -神々の戦い-』特報映像
ギリシア神話の世界を舞台に、世界支配をたくらむ暴虐な男の蛮行を阻止すべく立ち上がった勇者の活躍を描くアクション・アドベンチャー。『ザ・セル』『落下の王国』のターセム・シンが監督を務め、光の神であるオリンポスの神々と闇の神タイタン族の戦いが壮大なスケールで展開する。主演は、新スーパーマンに抜てきされた注目株のヘンリー・カヴィル。共演には『レスラー』のミッキー・ローク、『スラムドッグ$ミリオネア』のフリーダ・ピントら豪華キャストがそろう。 配給:東宝東和公式サイト:immortals.jp (C) 2010 War of the Gods, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

song#9/music video by channel matsu チャンネル松 P roject SONG#9
love Please use headphone if it is possible. ch-matu.com Please continue your favors toward myspace!! → http

Spiral TV Series Intro
The opening to the Spiral TV series. If you see this anywhere else, I had it first! Ripped from my personal VHS copy.