レミオロメン / 恋の予感から
www.remioromen.jp 2009.11.25リリース、16枚目のシングルブリヂストン ブリザックTVCMソングカーディガンズ等のプロデューサーとして有名なトーレ・ヨハンソンをサウンド・プロデュースに迎えた、 新たなる展開を<予感>させる今までにない音源を持った、冬を代表するであろう究極のラブバラード!!
恋愛レボリューション21 結婚式余興 日清の全麺革命改め「全酒革命」
棚瀬康麿&知里、結婚式の二次会の出し物様のPV。2010NOV13 酒好きの新郎用に力士が登場する日清の太麺堂々の「全麺革命」をパロって、 「全酒革命」バージョンにて制作。 登場人物はすべてノンフィクション、川北クルーです!
olivia newton john xanadu live at hans christian andersen
olivia singing xanadu live great performance
Stephen Wiltshire draws Tokyo from memory
One of Stephen's extraordinary abilities is to memorize landscapes up to the highest detail. During this flight he had a thorough look at the view of the Japanese capital from the helicopter including thousands of buildings, towers, high-ways, cars, buses, even down to intricate details of trees and windows. Following the 30 minutes ride Stephen seemed to be very excited and ready for the challenge.
The message: story of islam 1/2
Full Movie www.youtube.com It is the 7th century and in Mecca, where powerful leaders are in conflict with Muhammad who attacks the many injustices their way of life produces - slavery, drunkeness and cruelty. Muhammad claims to have seen a vision of the Angel Gabriel and calls to the people of mecca to worship one God only. After a revelation from God, Muhammad agrees to take arms against Mecca and at the Wells of Badr the inexperienced Muslim troops are victorious. However, at the Battle of Uhud they are beaten. They accept a ten year truce, so that they can continue to spread the word of God. Muhammad is the Prophet....The Messenger of God. (English Version)