Porsche Phone P'9521 hands-on
The Porsche Phone, aka the Porsche P'9521P. Live hands-on at a Phone House press event. It has a very solid look and feel and will cost more than 1000 euros.
乾のドリブル ~ 狩野のFK(ゴール) ~ 3人でヒーローインタビュー(マイク、小宮山、狩野)。 2007/ 5/ 9 ナビスコカップ予選リーグ 横浜F・マリノス 3-0 柏レイソル。 横浜F・マリノス
Adventure 05 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Adventure 5. The Five Orange Pips with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions. Playlist for The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: www.youtube.com
..honesty is such a lonely word,everyone is untrue; honesty is hardly ever heard..and mostly what i need from you.. if you love me..keep me.. but if you dont.. let me go.. and be honest..cause there is no worst pain than be the last to know..